In Understanding Be Men

P. O. Box 1903 Meru : Off Meru Maua Highway , Makutano

Academic Deskt

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Am very proud of Meru School (The men of understanding) and equally proud to be the deputy principal in charge of academics. I strongly believe that if teachers and all stakeholders of the school did the following, the school and the students in general will improve tremendously in their academic performance;


  1. Provide Better Understanding of Academic Concepts

Within schools, it is vital to make provision of resources that can be utilized to enhance proper coordination of the curriculum and enhance academic performance of students. The textbooks, notes, learning materials, handouts, technology, library facilities and laboratory facilities, especially in science subjects should include the essential materials. When teachers and students are provided with the necessary tools and equipment, they will be able to acquire a better understanding regarding academic concepts and how to perform the experiments. In some cases, especially the students belonging to deprived, marginalized and socio-economically backward sections of the society, cannot afford the books and materials required for learning, hence, they are dependent upon the library facilities and fellow students to obtain the books and other materials.


  1. Help in Building a Good School Culture

Some schools have good cultures while others have bad and retrogressive cultures. The coordinator should endeavor to build good and progressive cultures. A good reading culture for instance is something worth building. Hard work, brotherhood, cleanliness, honesty, integrity among others is some of the good cultures to build on. Any bad culture should be discouraged at whatever cost.


  1. Provide Good Classroom Environment

The teachers within classroom make the academic concepts known to the students. Teachers have the main job of completing the subject syllabus. Therefore, it is vital that classroom environment should be disciplined, and well ordered. Within the classroom, it is vital for the teachers and the students to implement the traits of morality and ethics. It is vital to promote mutual understanding, amiability and co-operation among the teachers and students. The efficiency in the management of the classroom, introduces a well-organized and efficient management of the lesson plans, instructional strategies, teaching-learning processes and so forth. When there is discipline and effective communication among the individuals, then it would help the students learn better, cover the syllabus in time and improve their academic performance.


  1. Help Create a Social Circle for the Student

Group discussions among students should be encouraged. Children get enrolled in schools not only to learn academic concepts, but they also learn how to interact and socialize with others. Students usually form friendly terms and relationships with the fellow students. Forming a social circle and friendships have a positive effect upon the academic outcomes of the students. Working on a project or preparing for a test, group study is in most cases beneficial. It also causes social satisfaction and happiness in the student’s life. Forming a social circle is important but the social circle must be for the better. Getting involved in leisure activities, sharing one’s joys and sorrows is also important.


  1. Help in Motivating and Encouraging Students

In academic learning, some of the concepts are difficult to learn and understand. When the students experience problems and difficulties, then they need to obtain assistance from others. When students are unable to achieve the desired grades, then instead of getting angry on them, the teachers and parents need to make provision of help and assistance. They should motivate the students and encourage them to do well in future. They need to understand their weaknesses and help them. When students find certain areas difficult to learn, then teachers should repeat the concepts; provide them class and homework assignments, so that they are able to acquire complete understanding of the concepts.


  1. Help in Development of Study Skills

Teachers should help the students to develop good study skills. In order to enhance one’s academic performance, it is vital for the individuals to develop study skills within themselves. The students themselves need to generate awareness regarding study skills, so that they are able to produce desired academic outcomes. Some of the study skills include, memorizing from the textbooks or other materials, making notes, practicing writing essays and articles, especially in languages, practicing calculations in mathematics and so forth. One of the important areas is, when one is studying, it is vital to completely concentrate towards one’s studies. Inability to completely concentrate is one of the factors that lead to undesired academic outcomes. Memorizing is regarded as one of the rare techniques; hence, the teachers encourage students to acquire understanding of the concepts instead of memorizing. This can’t happen unless there is proper curriculum coordination.


  1. Help in Time Management

Students in secondary schools have a busy schedule; hence it is vital for them to generate awareness in terms of effective time management. The coordinator should build a culture of time management. Students need to spend some time in completion of homework assignments. They also get involved in some kinds of extra-curricular activities and sports. Playing and getting engaged in creative activities, not only help them concentrate better, but they are able to stimulate their mind-sets. For the secondary school students, it is important to get engaged in extra-curricular activities and for this purpose, they need to implement proper time management skills. It is essential for the students to create a balance between all the tasks and activities. The activities that are more important should be given more time and lesser amount of time can be spent on the activities that are less important.


  1. Help in Improving Teaching-Learning Methods

The teaching-learning methods and strategies should be appropriate and encouraging to the students. The teachers in school are the ones that contribute an imperative part in promoting learning among the students. It is essential for them to ensure that the teaching methods used should prove to be beneficial to the students. For instance, if the students are able to learn better through dictation of notes, then teachers should provide notes. If the students are able to learn better through verbal explanation, then they should promote verbal explanation and so forth. Within home, if students are taking private tuitions of certain academic subjects such as, mathematics or science, it is vital to make sure that effectual teaching-learning methods are implemented, which may encourage learning among the students and help them understand better.


  1. Nature Approachability and Professionalism among Teachers

The teachers in school are required to be approachable and professional in their conduct. They are the ones, whom students approach, in case they have any problems and difficulties. When the teachers are friendly and generous, then the students feel comfortable in not only approaching them, but also in clarifying their doubts. The professionalism and approachable attitude on the part of the teachers is of utmost significance in covering the syllabus and consequently influencing the academic performance of the students in a positive manner. On the other hand, at home parents are the ones who supervise their studies; hence, it is vital for them to be professional in their conduct. Teaching should be implemented in a calm and pleasant manner. Any kind of harsh attitude should be avoided, as it may demotivate the students.


Prepared and Presented by;

Joseph Gitari Kathuru

B.Ed. (Arts), M.Phil. , M.A History

Deputy Principal Academics- MERU SCHOOL